Memoir /

I kept all our memories in this book. Its supposed to be us keep remember our memories sayang. But, we cant repeat the memories like we used right? I wouldnt throw it or do something with this book. I will keep it or i will give to you oneday. But oneday i will. I wont regret to have you. I wont, instead i still in love with you and still missing you. Theres a part of me is missing. The missing pieces is you. All the sweet and sour memories are in this book. I wrote all our up and down life. You hv read this book once. Not the whole story. I shall share this story with you. I will insya'Allah :) xoxo


 photo a2724706-e283-4d0b-b84e-425a5a0cb86d_zpsc378d966.jpg Hi! Its me Bella. Im the owner of the blog. And i got a lot of broken english. Sorry. I try my best to get a best english here. And yeah sorry half of my blog are talking about a guy name Zarul :'> So yeah do enjoy my blog and my posts. Bye! Thank you!! xoxo