Weird. /

Hi people. Its a bored you know. Im doing nothing. Im bored to be alone. Hmmmmm. Bosan k bosan. Duhhhhh~~~ So yeah now. Haha, i cant even meet him as you can see. So im stalking him through the tv!! Hahahaha mcm poyo mcm spy pun ada haha ekceli stalk through the tv macam pelik bukan ((Krik krik)) hahaha. So ta-da!!
Im sorry i dont mean to. Hmmm i wanna see your face everyday but i cant so i watch you through the tv with tears!! Hi awak............................. ((Hoping you are waving back to me through the tv.beranganing)) Its a little bit weird am i? Hahaha funny me. I just want to meet you everyday. So ta-da!! Through the tv lah tp..... But so kay lahh dpt tgk muka awak juga. Hihi, i kept rewind it. I love the part masa awak jalan mcm model tu. Comel!! Seriously. Hikhik. So you can vote for them!! Search their twitter @returndancecrew yeahh. xoxo